Most of the meals this week are quick and easy ones that David and I both enjoy. Be sure to head back over to Menu Plan Monday to see what everyone else is cooking up.
Monday: Pasta and Spicy Sausage, salad, whole wheat bread.
Tuesday: Ribs with bubble and squeak
Wednesday: Spaghetti and meatballs
Thursday: Baked tofu and left over bubble and squeak
Friday: Leftover veggie/tofu/whatever stir fry
Saturday: Leftovers/take out/whatever didn't get made during the week
After watching Fast Food Nation, David's given up red meat (I'm hoping he'll give meat up all together, but I'm just going to wait and see what happens), and is more open to vegetarian dishes, so meal planning has become easier. That and he works four nights a week, so I can save meals he won't like for those nights.
Happy Vegan Thanksgiving!
12 years ago
Great menu, that spicy sausage and pasta sound really good.
My Menu Plan
Great menu. The sausage pasta one looks delicious. I wish I could het my husband to at least eat a few vegetarian meals a week. You are lucky.
most of my veggisaurus meals are just chicken skillet recipes without the chicken!
Mr. Right likes meatless, but only because its cheaper.
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